Classroom Procedures
This page showcases procedures that I would like to implement in my classroom
First Day
On the first day of classes, you would see me getting to know my students and starting to create a classroom community. I would start by introducing myself and then getting each student to introduce themselves. Through these introductions, students would be asked to share a few of their interests so I can get to know who they are beyond my classroom. After I begin to create these connections with my students, I would go over the rules and expectations of my classroom. This would include the expectations I have for students as well as the expectations they can have of me. This day will be about creating a basis of which our classroom can grow and thrive on.
First Week
The first week will comprise of me getting students into the routine of the classroom. This will include the routine of what is expected when they enter the classroom at the beginning of their class as well as the routine that will occur at the end of class. This will be established right from day one and will give students an understanding of what can be expected each day. I will also make students aware of any important areas within my classroom. This may include an area where important dates will be posted, an area where their work can be turned in, as well as an area where they may be able to store belongings.
Moving Forward
Moving forward into the first month and beyond, my classroom will be focused on providing students with many opportunities to display their strengths and also work on their weaknesses. I will also be focused on ensuring we create a respectful, and welcoming classroom culture. I hope to have students exploring within their learning opportunities to find new interests or areas of curiousity.